Thursday, April 24, 2014

Loyalty Kiosk SMS Marketing for Restaurants - The All Digital Loyalty Rewards Solution

Benefits of a Touch-Screen Kiosk-Based System 

There is a reason why most SMS text message marketing campaigns eventually fail. Most of the time, there is no compelling reason for anyone to opt-in and those who do are rarely given a good reason to stay long before opting out.

The good news is that a solution exists: the SMS Kiosk Loyalty Reward System. 

It is a simple fix that the vast majority of mobile marketers overlook, but there is a reason why. Hardly any of them have ever worked that well. 

But all that is changing. 

By implementing a kiosk-based mobile marketing platform, you can generate a successful campaign. The kiosk model eliminates every issue that causes the average mobile marketing campaign to fail. 

Benefits of the Kiosk model
  • Ease of Use - Anyone can use this system: simply opt-in using the kiosk keyboard. Anyone who has every used an ATM machine can easily intuit how to use a mobile kiosk customer loyalty program to “join the savings club.” The process is simple: the opt-in is generated by users absent of the need to physically send a text message using their mobile devices.

    Even in today's world where mobile platforms dominate and text messaging is a common form of communication, an alarming number of users still don't know how to initiate a text message from scratch! That one detail can derail your entire mobile marketing campaign. Kiosks eliminate that problem completely.

  • Communicates Value – Our Loyalty Kiosk marketing system is more organic to end-user experience. Most people are familiar with kiosk functionality and can assimilate the experience to their smartphones, as can anyone who has ever participated in a retailer's punch card loyalty program.

    he concept is familiar and the execution is simple. People hold on to those loyalty rewards punch cards in much the same way they carry their phones everywhere.

    By integrating traditional punch card system with modern technology, kiosk systems build value in the eyes of the customer and your business retains more loyal customers. 
How it Works:

  • Simplifies Mobile Loyalty Rewards Coupon Redemption – The  SMS Kiosk Loyalty Reward System automatically generates coupon redemption codes and automatically sends text messages to the end user to notify them when they qualify for a coupon or other incentive. The user then enters their phone number and coupon code to redeem their offer at the kiosk.

    Anyone who has ever checked in for a flight at the airport is already familiar with this process. Once the user redeems the offer, the coupon expires automatically so the incentive can only be used once.

    It is a virtually un-hackable system that, at the same time, provides value to the user but prevents abuse of the rewards system. The absence of this kind of security is a common deal-breaker objection for retailers who have not experienced an efficiently-executed mobile rewards system in the past. 

The SMS Kiosk Loyalty Reward System is a total game-changer. It is a unique, customizable system that integrates well in any retail business environment.  To learn more visit or call Brandon at 888-669-9729. To explore additional SMS software solution visit or